
Local DNS cache in Linux using dnsmasq

If you are facing slow connections and slow browsing experience, then you can speed up your browsing by a small factor by caching your DNS queries locally and using it. What is DNS? But before you go ahead the first question that would surely pop up in your mind is what is this DNS? And what does it do? To answer the first question I would take a simple example of your mobile phone, when you want to call your friends, you first find their name in the contacts and click on dial....

September 20, 2011 · 4 min · Mr. Kamath
Network Stats

vnStat - Network Traffic Monitor Tool for Linux

vnStat is a simple console based network traffic monitoring software. It is light weight and provides detailed statistics of the network traffic. The statistics can be hourly, daily, monthly, yearly etc. One important feature of vnStat is that it runs as a daemon and monitors the interface, so it does not matter if the interface is not up when you start vnStat, it will start collecting statistics once the interface is up....

September 10, 2011 · 2 min · Mr. Kamath