Lotus Cockroach Vanisher - it works!!

Cockroaches…Cockroaches….they just keep growing in number and there is nothing you can do about them…that was the past…things have changed now. Let me start with the situation a couple of years back when I moved into the room I am staying in there were none. For one year there was not problem, but as time passed a few started making their presence felt. And no matter how clean I kept my room and how many I killed they still kept on growing....

September 11, 2011 · 3 min · Mr. Kamath

Quick Tip : Truncate a file in Linux

Lately I have been looking at improving my command line skills in Linux, and here is a quick tip to truncate a file to zero byte file, helpful to empty huge log files quickly. :>filename or you can also use the common method which make more sense: cat /dev/null > filename So enjoy and let me know any command line tricks if you know.

September 10, 2011 · 1 min · Mr. Kamath
Photo taken at Shivagange

Shivagange Betta (Shivaganga Hills) Trip

Trip Insight Travel Date: 05-October-2008 Location: Shivagange, Near Dabbaspete, Tumkur Mobile: No coverage (Tested on Airtel and Vodaphone). You can get coverage as you climb at certain places. Transportation: Take any private bus going to Dabbaspet, take an auto from Dabbaspet Food: Better to carry if planning to stay for long. About Shivagange / Shivaganga Shivagange or Shivaganga is hillok where trekking and religion comes together to offer you instant weekend getaway....

September 10, 2011 · 10 min · Mr. Kamath
Network Stats

vnStat - Network Traffic Monitor Tool for Linux

vnStat is a simple console based network traffic monitoring software. It is light weight and provides detailed statistics of the network traffic. The statistics can be hourly, daily, monthly, yearly etc. One important feature of vnStat is that it runs as a daemon and monitors the interface, so it does not matter if the interface is not up when you start vnStat, it will start collecting statistics once the interface is up....

September 10, 2011 · 2 min · Mr. Kamath

First day cover: 15/Aug/1973 - Gandhi & Nehru

First Day Cover 15/08/1973 This First Day Cover was released by Bangalore GPO in celebration of the Independence Day of 1973. This cover has Gandhi and Nehru in it.

August 14, 2011 · 1 min · Mr. Kamath